Sunday, May 29, 2011


Today i watched a movie called Little children staring Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson!

The movie is about...two spouses from separate marriages with unfulfilled spaces in their lives meet and begin to fill the lives of one another, but because of their judgmental high class suburban neighborhood resort to keeping the allusion of a child's friendship (their children Lucy and Aaron). A registered sex offender moves back into town and causes an up roar because of the amount of Little Children living there, he is constantly being hassled by a disgraced ex-police officer who suffers from post traumatic stress disorder because of a mistake he made in the past which ends up killing the mother of the sex offender and causing him to castrate(remove testes) himself...FREAKING CRAZY RIGHT?    But the movie was brilliant, i love how is showed the complexities of marrige and the need to fulfill that void in life, or even acceptance of yourself!

KATE:The hunger for an alternative and the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness.....

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